HIV Positive Fined for Efavirenz


Treatment of Opioid Users in Prison Institutions


The strategy on medical service for prisoners at the penitentiary institutions infected with C hepatitis 

Levan Jorbenadze
Legal Advisor/Attorney
1 May, 2010

According to the released information there are about 200 000 people infected with hepatitis C. The official statistics exist but local and international experts claim that reality is different. Prices for diagnostics and medicines are high and estimates 9000 Euros.

On June 25, 2009 the ministers of Corrections and Legal Assistance and Education and Science issued a joint decree about the strategy of hepatitis C infected prisoners’ medical service.

From the first paragraph it is acknowledged that the medical treatment of prisoners is a state responsibility and the priority is as well as treatment of c hepatitis.

In the joint decree is mentioned that there are 19 363 prisoners in Georgia.

The goals of the strategy are to improve medical service for c hepatitis prevention and treatment.

One of the goals is also reduction of number of applications from Georgia to the Strasburg based European Court of Human Rights.

According to the well established practice of European Court of Human Rights inadequate and inefficient medical treatment can be the basis for the Court to find a breach of article 2 (right to life) and article 3 (prohibition of torture) against the member state.            

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