HIV Positive Fined for Efavirenz


New regulations on HIV/AIDS in Georgia

June 23, 2010
Drug Policy Georgia

As reported by Drug Policy Georgia in July 2009, new draft bill on HIV/AIDS will replace the 1995 HIV/AIDS law


The new law, passed by Parliament in November 2009, requires that medical institutions follow strict patient confidentiality, but also requires to inform a person’s HIV positive status to his or her spouse or sexual partner, if the person refuses do so himself.


First time the codified statute defines harm reduction. According to the new law on HIV/AIDS, it is a state’s policy to implement harm reduction programs in prisons. It also gives additional guarantees in avoiding discrimination of people living with HIV/AIDS.

Passed in February 1, 2010, a new legal regulation also addresses obtaining permanent residency permits in Georgia. The new regulation no longer requires obligatory health checks for permanent residence permit. But in only exceptional circumstances the authorities have a right reservation to require appropriate health certificate while applicant wishes to obtain permanent residence permit.  

There are two types of residence permits: temporary residence up to 6 years period and permanent

residence permit. Until February 1, 2010 health certificate was required only for obtaining permanent residence permit.

Since 1 July 2006, a new law replaced 1993 Migration Law and 1993 law on Foreigners’ Legal Conditions also offered regulations regarding foreigners entering or living in Georgia. The 1993 laws gave authorities the discretion to deny entry on the basis of “dangerous diseases”, and this practice was change in July 2006 since “dangerous disease” was a formality rather than practice. As far as known even in 1990s there are no reported cases of discrimination on the basis of HIV/AIDS status for entry or getting residence permit in Georgia. EU citizens and citizens of many other countries are not required to apply for visa to enter Georgia, and they can travel using their government issued IDs and passports are not required. Same legal regulations apply to those people who are residents of the exempt countries and have permanent residence permit. 

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